Hire and Keep the Right Employees

Hire and Keep the Right Employees

Hire and Keep the Right Employees

Hiring is No Joke. You won’t do it right every time. But you can try!

Most business owners don’t realize how difficult it can be to hire the right employee until it’s too late. When someone is hired that is a wrong fit for your company, it can be costly, time-consuming, and cause some damage to your work environment! Do you want to enhance the culture, morale, and productivity at your business?

Then let’s discuss some strategies for hiring the right people and KEEPING them!

  • Performing a Job Analysis. Involve and interview your employees in their current positions and observe their day-to-day. This is important when performing a job analysis so that you can update your job descriptions before you’re on the hunt for the right person! You’ll want to identify and summarize the job; as well as including duties, responsibilities, specifications, and disclaimers/approval.
  • Creating a recruiting strategy plan. As a business owner, you’ll want to understand the benefits of hiring your new employees. Write out your recruiting costs, salary ranges, taxes, benefits, training, equipment, and onboarding. It’s also important to measure the amount of time you want to take to hire. Taking too long or hiring too quickly could cause trust problems or lead to hiring the wrong person. We all know a bad hire is expensive.
  •  Creating a checklist and hiring the right person for the job. Determine the order of steps you want to take to hire someone this time. Write them out and follow them exactly – making sure it’s within your hiring time frame. From determining your need for a new hire or position to scheduling a start date for your new employee.
  • Pre-screen your candidates. Pre-screening is important when you want to find and keep the right employee. This also can reduce the recruiting time and improve the precision of your hiring process. Figure out different pre-screening methods you’d love to use in getting to know your candidate before bringing them onto the team.
  • Ask the right questions.  Stay away from the standard questions and get creative! Ask challenging questions that also give the interviewee the opportunity to offer solutions. This article from Forbes is a great read to figure out if they are competent, capable, compatible, and committed.
  • Let them interview you. This is a great way to gauge some level of interest your candidate has in the job position. It also assists with getting a feel for their personality and seeing how comfortable you interact with one another.
  • Stay up to date with digital and social media trends. 45 percent of job seekers use their mobile devices to search for jobs at least once every day. So make sure that career site is mobile-friendly! The majority of candidates between the ages of 22 to 60 want to work for digitally enabled organizations.

Keep your employees productive and happy. 

Employees want to feel like they’re valuable and are a crucial part of the team. This leads to being more productive and delivering results for their employer.  Openly praise them and set goals that are obtainable. It is extremely important to take their needs seriously and be that push of motivation so that they stay on track! If you want your employees to be committed and successful for your company, you need to treat them as such.

Are you having a hard time with hiring and keeping the right employee? Let’s come up with a plan!

Written by Bridgett Hart

I help people understand what LOVE is, and teach them HOW to apply it to any relationship in their life.

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Are you feeling overworked and overwhelmed? Stay productive and get on track.

Are you feeling overworked and overwhelmed? Stay productive and get on track.

Are you feeling overworked and overwhelmed? Stay productive and get on track.

It’s not hard because you’re bad at it. It’s hard because it’s hard!

As a small business owner, I’m sure you’re constantly feeling overworked and overwhelmed. A small business owner survey from  Constant Contact shows that 56% say they feel like they can never be away from their business. This often leads to feelings of stress and causes some procrastination-which then leads to more overwhelm!

Stay calm, let’s talk about some ways you can get in control. I’m sure you notice already that you’re trying to wear too many hats at once. Let’s set some goals!

 5  ways you can reroute your current stressful cycle and get on track:

  1. Admitting you can’t do it all alone.  Nobody has time to micromanage and nobody has time to take on every little responsibility. Nobody can run a small business by doing everything themselves- so admit you can’t do it alone! Really think of your team and their responsibilities; Make sure their tasks are being handled by THEM. Make sure you have a team you can trust to do their tasks! 
  2. Set priorities and goals, then centralize that list. Do you know where you want your business to be in 12 months? It’s time to figure that out and set some monthly priorities and goals that need to be met in order to achieve that 12-month business goal! Record your new ideas immediately and find time to sift through them. Centralizing your list will help keep you focused!
  3. Pay attention to task time and simplify. Most business owners have a false sense of how long it takes to do a certain task. When you start to work on an important task for the day, record how long it takes for you to complete it! Then adjust your priorities and tasks accordingly. This will give you an idea of how to manage your time effectively.
  4. Don’t over-schedule your time. Once you have a better idea of how to manage your time, you should be able to schedule your days where you aren’t overworking yourself or creating high expectations. Don’t stress or overwork yourself.
  5. Make an appointment with yourself. Setting aside time for yourself is important for any human; let alone a business owner. Make dates with yourself. Get a massage, go bowling, go hiking, or even get a nap in! Making time for yourself will relieve some stress and help reset you for your next to-do list.

You can do this.

We all know how easy it is to become overwhelmed as a small business owner. Between hiring the right people for your team, knowing where to put your budget, creating procedures, and making sure everything is flowing correctly. It’s important to manage these things and get your business to the next level.

If you have a hard time knowing where to start, don’t you worry, there is assistance available! Find out your options for free!

Written by Bridgett Hart

I help people understand what LOVE is, and teach them HOW to apply it to any relationship in their life.

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