Unlocking Your Potential: The Importance of Clarifying Your Personal and Business Missions

Unlocking Your Potential: The Importance of Clarifying Your Personal and Business Missions

Unlocking Your Potential: The Importance of Clarifying Your Personal and Business Missions

But what do YOU want?

One of the most common stumpers I ask business leaders I work with is “What do YOU want?” It may not surprise you that most of them have difficulty answering this question quickly or clearly. 

When it comes to achieving success in both your personal and professional life, having a clear understanding of your mission is crucial. Your mission serves as a guiding principle, helping you stay focused and motivated as you work towards your goals. 

Many people struggle with clarifying their personal and business missions, leaving them feeling uncertain and directionless. Some of us have even learned to feel shame around what we would like our mission to be.

In this post, we’ll explore some strategies for clarifying your personal and business missions, so you can unlock your full potential and achieve the success you deserve.

First, let’s take a closer look at what we mean by “mission.” In the context of personal and professional development, your mission is your overarching purpose or goal. It’s the reason you get out of bed in the morning and the driving force behind your actions. It can be either short- or long-term and will probably adjust over time. 

For some people, their mission may be to make a positive impact on the world, while for others, it could be financial freedom. Whatever your mission, it should align with your values, passions, interests, and vision for your life. If you’re not sure where to start, check out The Hart Habits, especially #1 Self and #7 Record. Both will give you a jump on clarifying your personal and business missions. For now, though, let’s start simple.

Clarifying your personal mission:

To clarify your personal mission, start by thinking about what is most important to you in life. What are your values? What are your passions? What do you want to achieve? It can be helpful to write down your thoughts in a journal or on a piece of paper. I sometimes have clients do a “Dream Stream” activity where they close their eyes and imagine an ideal day, then open and write down everything they visualized.  Once you have a list of your values, passions, and goals, look for common themes or patterns. Check out Brené Brown’s book Dare to Lead for an excellent list of values that can help with the process. This will help you to identify what truly matters to you, and what you want to achieve in your personal life.

Next, take a look at your current lifestyle. Does it align with your personal mission? Are you living in a way that is consistent with your values, passions, and goals? If not, it may be time to make some changes. For example, if your mission is to make a positive impact on the world, you may want to volunteer for a local charity or start a community garden.

Clarifying your business mission:

Clarifying your business mission is similar to clarifying your personal mission, but with a focus on your professional goals. Start by thinking about what you want to achieve in your career. What are your passions and interests? What are your goals? What problems do you enjoy solving for people? Who do you enjoy solving problems for?

Once you have a clear idea of your professional goals, take a look at your current job or business. Does it align with your mission? If not, what can you do to make adjustments, even if they are small at first? 

For example, if your mission is to help people live healthier lives through dance, but you’re working at a potato farm, you may want to consider a career change.

Another important aspect of clarifying your business mission is determining the impact you want your business to have on the world. A clear mission statement can help you communicate your values and goals to your customers and employees, and it can also help you attract like-minded people as clients, vendors, and partners. 

While I make it sound easy with this quick post, this can be an intensive process that you should revisit regularly. One of my favorite authors on the topic is Pamela Slim, and her latest book The Widest Net gives readers a groundbreaking new way to think about this part of the journey.

In conclusion, clarifying your personal and business mission is an important step in achieving success in both your personal and professional life. By understanding your values, passions, and goals, and aligning them with your lifestyle and career, you can unlock your full potential and achieve the success you deserve. Remember, your mission is your guiding principle, so take the time to clearly define it and use it to drive your actions.

If you find it hard to answer the question “What do I want?” both personally and professionally, you’re not alone and you don’t have to figure it out by yourself. I work with clients regularly who have experienced “success” by many standards but still feel like they aren’t sure exactly why they’re doing what they do the way they do.

My coaching system, The Hart Habits, helps clients identify the gaps in their self-knowledge so they can fill those gaps and subsequently learn to have better relationships with themselves and the folks they live and work with. 

Download The Hart Habits framework for free below or set up a quick call with me to discuss your personal and business missions.

Written by Bridgett Hart

I help people understand what LOVE is, and teach them HOW to apply it to any relationship in their life.

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5 Tools for Getting Rest in a Chaotic Service Role

5 Tools for Getting Rest in a Chaotic Service Role

5 Tools for Getting Rest in a Chaotic Service Role

Servant Leaders take ourselves out!

I spent the first 20 years of my career trying to save the world.  I had a business degree and a heart for social services so I combined the two to develop and run out-of-school programs for K – 6th graders.

When I started, it was with hope in my heart that giving kids a safe, fun place to be during out-of-school hours would support our community and help our next generation grow stronger and wiser. 

Now that I saw what happened in the 2022 midterm elections, I’m pretty sure I was right about that, but what I didn’t realize was that the problems I helped solve didn’t end with fun activities after school.

I was quickly assaulted by the truth of privilege in the US and how different home and community life can be for children in different economic areas – often separated by race, ethnicity, and citizenship.  Over time, I helped with several organizations, legal efforts, non-profits, collaborations, grants, and more because the needs were so great and the resources so limited. I could never do enough.

As I look back now, grateful for the tools I’m about to share with you, I wish I had known better ways to fight for change and equity besides simply running myself ragged trying to “save” everyone.  We’re getting better at this with Gen Z folks as our business and political leaders, but we still have work to do to reverse the damage done by generations of greed and white supremacy. As the brilliant Tricia Hersey of The Nap Ministry explains in her book, “Rest IS Resistance”.

The following are tools I often overlooked for maintaining rest in my chaotic service leadership roles, but I’ve been able to fall back on them consistently. Now, I prioritize them so I can maintain the work I’m doing on purpose and with intention. Make sure you consult with your doctor, therapist, and lawyer when considering these options for yourself. 



It is easier said than done, but I can not overstate the importance of sleep.  I had a period where I was working in a political situation involving senate committees and big business. I was also doing a day job and running a startup. I really believed the work I was doing was important, and perhaps it was, but I was up at 5 am and having calls until past 10 pm for months. When I hit the wall, I smashed into it at full speed and it took me 6 months to recover. Simply placing a boundary around my sleep could have made the difference between longevity and burnout.

When we’re talking about sleep though, it’s a very personal and nuanced topic. It’s important to take into account physical, mental, and environmental factors affecting your ability to sleep soundly and give your body the time it needs to rest and restore every day.  I’m not a sleep doctor, but I’ve heard folks report needing anywhere from 6 – 10 hours, which seems reasonable to me.  The key is to prioritize your sleep and create boundaries to protect however much time your body needs for it. That includes seeing a doctor if your body is telling you it’s having trouble getting or staying asleep.

Rest/Sleep Aids

Speaking of sleep, there are a lot of tools you can use to aid your sleep mentally, physically, and environmentally. Some of my favorites include:

  1. Oil Diffuser – When I can’t sleep, an oil diffuser with high-quality lavender oil is perfect. I love the essential oil from Ali’i Kula, the lavender farm on Maui. 
  2. Brain.fm – Brain.fm plays frequencies designed to put your brain into different states like focus, rest, and sleep.  Its sleep tracks are lovely and work like a charm with a nighttime headset. They are best played through headphones and can play for up to 10 hours straight.
  3. Calm app – the Calm app offers both guided and unguided meditations for sleep and other things. I honestly recommend this app for all day, anytime you could use a pick me up about one thing or another, but especially for sleep.  They even have children’s sleep meditations and stories so you can help your kids sleep well too! My 8-year-old is out like a light in about 4 minutes when I play their sleep meditations for her. 
  4. CBD/THC products – in most of the United States, you can now order Hemp-derived CBD products and legally have them shipped right to your door. I highly recommend a nighttime edible (gummy, tea, tincture, etc) as well as topical creams, lotions, and bath products to prevent and minimize aches and pains.  Two of my favorite sources for reliable, lab-tested, state-licensed products are TruInfusion and Polite. Both of these companies also have full-spectrum THC versions of their products available at licensed dispensaries in a few states. If your state has legalized cannabis, you’ll be able to find comparable products at your local dispensary. I don’t recommend buying CBD or THC products from brands that don’t provide lab results. There are a lot of snake oil salesmen in this market still.
  5. Sleeping pills – Of course, you should consult your doctor and follow all precautions, but it’s funny to me how we’ve demonized OTC sleeping pills when they are inexpensive and can be super effective. Costco carries a great OTC product that’s about $10 for a 192-day supply. Let me assure you, 192 days of great sleep can transform your life.  While you may have different results, I use them and have never had a problem waking up for an emergency or feeling drowsy in the morning.
  6. Good pillows and mattress – This would seem to go without saying, but I know how hard it can be in some phases of life to have a high-quality mattress and pillows, AND this is one of those areas worth spending money on because good sleep is that important.  If you aren’t sleeping well because your mattress hurts or your pillows are wrong for you, they’re robbing the whole world of your best self. Maybe you can find someone to contribute to your cause!  Also, there are less expensive but good options now in the mattress world. Check out a Tuft & Needle or another foam mattress company – they even have payment plans and money-back guarantees! I like to use a pillow between my knees to help relieve lower back stress.
  7. Blankets – Another simple but crucial part is the blankets you have on your bed. Are they too hot, too cold, too heavy, or too light? Some folks sleep much better with a weighted blanket, while others do best with no more than a sheet. Bearaby has gorgeous weighted blankets of various weights. Providing the right type of comfort to your body and nervous system while you sleep will help you get the best rest. Don’t forget to change and wash blankets regularly because even if you’re very clean, allergens can build up in blankets and make it tough to breathe while you’re asleep.
  8. Programmed HVAC – Programmable HVAC thermostats and digital home control centers make it easy to ensure the temperature in your house is conducive to your sleep. If yours isn’t already programmable, time to switch it up! That 1 or 2-degree drop at night is the difference between a sound sleep and a session of night sweats for me. My husband, the HVAC expert, recommends the Honeywell programmable thermostats.


Physical health

Your physical health is a contributing factor to the quality of your rest. Again, since I’m not a doctor, I’ll remind you, go see yours!  Just because you don’t have any acute symptoms, if you feel you aren’t able to rest properly, it’s worth a visit. It could be a case of low or high blood pressure, blood glucose levels, dehydration, or so much more. It might be nothing or it could be a big deal. Prevention and early treatments are key to maintaining good health, which you need to do if you’re going to keep up all that important work you’re doing! Prioritize the body that carries and supports you the way you support your community and the folks who need you. Have that same grace and compassion for yourself as you have for them.


This is one of the biggest challenges I see clients consistently facing. Especially the servant leaders. And it’s because we’ve been lied to. We’ve been told to ask ourselves “if not me, then who”? Well, I have a different answer than “Me”.  It’s the universe, God, love, the community, Spirit, or whatever you want to call it. In a nutshell, you AREN’T the only person on the planet who can solve XYZ issue.  You may believe you are, but if you disappeared tonight, many things would carry on in your absence, some would adapt or burn out, the earth would continue spinning, and life would carry on. As harsh as that may seem, it’s actually a blessing.  You are not responsible to save the world, my friend!  You, too, deserve to have boundaries and balance in your life and to allocate time, effort, and resources towards yourself, your family, your fun, your health, and your well-being just as much as you do towards your work and service. So, create boundaries that work for you and allow yourself to schedule your rest, whatever that looks like. Personally, my clients know that if they text or email after 7 pm they will likely not get a response until the following day. No one has canceled on me for it yet! If this is a tough practice for you to begin, I recommend the book The BOSS Shift by my friend and business associate La’Vista Jones. In it, she talks about the dangers of allowing the overwhelm to take us out and how to set up systems and self-care to win the battle. 


Last, but more like first and definitely not least, is therapy. I’m no therapist, but there was a point along my path when I realized the way I threw myself into “saving the world” was a trauma response from a young girl who felt very little control. Does that mean the work I did for the community before I realized that was tainted or bad? No, not necessarily, but I WAS pouring from a leaky cup. That leaky cup still gave water to the people right in my vicinity, but it couldn’t do much more than that. You don’t need therapy because you’re messed up or broken or have something wrong with you. The opposite, in fact. You need therapy because you’re a typical human who has experienced things you didn’t understand at the time. And there isn’t just one type of therapy. It’s white supremacy to think that’s the case. Many spiritual, cultural, and medicinal practices have therapeutic outcomes. That’s a journey for you to take for yourself, but I’m here to remind you that you are worth it and that a healed and healing you can do everything better. 


The overarching point of this post is to remind you that even though your work is so vital and helps so many people in so many ways, you are equally important in the equation. Your health and well-being are vital to all the work you do and to you being able to live your best life. When I was forced to my deathbed at 39 years old, I had to face the reality that everyone would carry on without me if I didn’t survive. It was sad and scary at first, but it was liberating once I realized that while I am still alive, caring for the body I live in was actually job number 1. Everything else I do and can do is dependent on how well I do that while I have the privilege to.

If you feel yourself getting stretched too thin in your chaotic service roles, I have some things coming to help you get back on track. Let’s hop on a quick, free call to talk about where you’re at and what resources you need in the short term and over time. I’m here to support you.

Written by Bridgett Hart

I help people understand what LOVE is, and teach them HOW to apply it to any relationship in their life.

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5 books that will support your total transformation

5 books that will support your total transformation

5 books that will support your total transformation

If you want DIY coaching, here it is!

As a child, I was the type of reader that used books as an escape from reality.  I spent ALL night under my covers with a flashlight reading every ending to my Choose Your Own Adventure book. I constantly had a pile of 10 or more library books by my bed.

As I grew older, I was a “Faithful Christian” and focused more on building my career than my relationships (the only two choices besides church I knew of at the time) so I focused my reading on Bible-related books and Business How-tos. I was single though, so the church didn’t leave me much time for reading.

I remember in the first version of my Facebook page, the Bible was the only book I could find to add to my “Books I like” section and at the time, I felt proud of that. 

Thankfully, I soon decided to study love and blew open my thirst for & appreciation of the millions of delicious books and art forms available to connect with.

Over the following 15 years, I read everything I could get my hands on again. I had a library card, amazon, a student id, and eventually an Audible account, so I read a lot!

Looking back at the books that made the biggest impact on my life, I narrowed the list down to the top 5 that supported my total transformation at a foundational level.  Of course, these are just a starting place, but I’m sharing them in order of the impact they made on me, not necessarily in the order you should read them. In fact, I added in the date I read each so you can see I started with taking a sip of the knowledge and worked my way up to the full meals. Each has a link where you can buy it from my favorite local bookstore because supporting local is a value I learned in my study of love, but feel free to find your own local resources!

Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsh published in 1995, I listened in 2021

This is a series of 4 books written by the author in an interview style. His story is that he was awoken in the night over several nights and several years and prompted to ask the questions posed in the book.  The answers are what was given to him to write down. The questions are the deepest ones we’ve all asked if we are looking to understand God better, especially if we come from a Christian background. The answers are simple yet profound. Just as I would expect God’s responses to be. I listened to it on Audible instead of reading and if I hadn’t I may not have made it through.  4 books can seem daunting but it was worth every second and passed quickly. I didn’t even realize it was 4 books worth until I was done! Afterward, I felt both irritated I had never read it before and grateful because I wasn’t spiritually ready to receive it before. I would have blown it off as “new-agey” stuff when it really isn’t if you believe God is omniscient. 

All about love by bell hooks published in 1999, I read in 2020

The title is self-explanatory but as the author dives into her understanding of love, it’s poetic in her depiction of what has been lost for love due to capitalism, patriarchy, and systemic racism. It’s a beautiful interweaving of the individual and community experience of love and how dependent they are on one another. Both nuanced and direct, her writing style will have you highlighting whole pages as you realize where you need to do better personally and how you can contribute to the community best as well. I wish this was required reading for every high school student in the country.  I believe we would become better as a nation almost immediately.

The Widest Net by Pamela Slim published in 2022, I read and listened in 2022

Although this book was just released this year, it’s already a business classic in the making and one I’ve been putting into practice in my business for years as I watched her develop the system. You may have heard me talk about Startup Life Support, which I’ve been part of for several years now. The work I’ve done with this group of folks has been so influential in my life that my family and I moved from the west side of town to the east side partly to be near them! As influential as the group has been for my business health and personal well-being, it is a product of The Widest Net method that Pam Slim put into place at her IRL location, Ké Main Street Business Lab so I got to see watch this book developing from the inside.  I can attest personally that her marketing methods work like hard-won community-building economic development magic. If you are building a business or already have one that you want to level up, this book is a MUST-READ. 

The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferris published in 2007, I read it in 2007

I put this book lower on the list, but not because its impact was truly less.  It was probably one of the most pivotal books I’ve read because it allowed me to imagine something different for my money-making activities than I had before. I only put it lower because the principles it shares are simpler and easier to learn and even apply than the books I’ve mentioned above. Instead of being a deep philosophical dive into spirituality or marketing or community, this book is practical and gives real-life ideas about how to develop a business that doesn’t eat up your life. It was perfect for my transition from corporate jobs to building my own business and helping others build theirs. I still apply principles from this book consistently.

Strengths-Based Leadership by Gallup published in 2008, I read in 2010

I read this book while I was still working in corporate and I’m so glad I did. Learning to appreciate the people I worked with for their strengths also allowed me to appreciate my strengths more.  This book is a follow-up to the book Strengths 2.0 by Tom Rath and dives into data collected by the Gallup survey over 35 years. The premise is that each of us has a different combination of 34 core strengths and when we get to operate in our top 5 or so regularly, we have better, more fulfilled lives. As a leader, when we take the time to recognize those strengths and build teams of folks who have complementary, instead of the same, strengths, we can build a more solid foundation and ultimately a more profitable and effective organization. When folks are able to emphasize and develop their strengths instead of being penalized for their weaknesses, they do better work and live better lives. It has a snowball effect.  Also, you get the Strengths Finder quiz free when you buy the book! The quiz and the information you get from that are worth far more than the price of the book.

Have you read any of these books? What did you think? Favorite parts? Least favorite? I’d love to hear your thoughts and talk about them more with you. If you are my client, there’s a HUGE chance I’ve recommended one or more of these books along the way, so if you want DIY coaching, here’s a start! If reading might not be enough and you could use more support in your journey in business and servant leadership, let’s jump on a free, no-obligation phone call to talk about your visions and how to get there. I can’t wait to talk. I love you!

Written by Bridgett Hart

I help people understand what LOVE is, and teach them HOW to apply it to any relationship in their life.

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3 Keys to Crafting a Cannabis Career That Won’t Crash and Burn

3 Keys to Crafting a Cannabis Career That Won’t Crash and Burn

3 Keys to Crafting a Cannabis Career That Won’t Crash and Burn

Before I tell you the Keys to success, I have to tell you the Risks you face!

The cannabis industry is very different from the cannabis culture. 

Too often, those differences result in an environment where starry-eyed professionals become burnt-out cynics who believe there’s no way to work with the plant and keep your soul intact.

Honestly, that’s how I’ve felt about it many times along the way. It seemed like a dream come true to work with the plant I love and around others who love her the same way.  But that was only half of the story.

Watch the rest of the story on Youtube here.

Last week, I wrote about the 10 secrets you need to know before starting a Cannabiz and many of those secrets make working in the biz tough too, even if you’re not an owner or C-suite executive.

Never fear, there is hope and a way to build your career in cannabis so it won’t crash and burn.

First, though, let me share a few of the specific risks that come with taking a job in cannabis.

1. Buyouts – this is the biggest risk because the ownership of both small and large dispensaries and licensed canna businesses can change hands frequently and often with no warning to the general operating team. Just when you and your team think you’ve hit a stride, a new owner could come in and change everything, including firing or laying off a significant portion of the team. New owners are not obliged to honor promises your last manager made about promotions or the future.

2. Federal Prohibition – because cannabis businesses are illegal at the federal level, employees may find themselves without access to federal protections. The Department of Labor still doesn’t count legal marijuana jobs in its Bureau of Labor Statistics report even though there are now over 428,000 people working in legal US cannabis. This can also be a negative factor in banking, mortgages, insurance, housing, and more.

3. Resume Trail – Marijuana is still taboo in a lot of workplaces. When you have a dispensary or other cannabis-related business on your resume, you may have more difficulty securing jobs in non-cannabis roles afterward because of the associated stigma. Taking the company off your resume leaves a gap that you deserve credit for, but may not be able to openly share in all settings or industries. 

4. Hustle Culture – most of the cannabis folks I know are pretty relaxed and like to take life at a balanced and reasonable pace. That is NOT how the cannabis industry works.  I joke that the people running the industry at the top are more likely to be lawyers doing cocaine and working 24/7 behind closed doors than cannabis farmers sitting at the conference table smoking with the team while solutions are discussed. This translates into an often chaotic work environment, incredible turnover and churn rates, and overall high pressure and stress.

Please keep in mind, this list is short and limited. It doesn’t cover half of the possible risks associated with working in the marijuana industry, but it begins to give a realistic preview.

Now that you understand some of those risks, let’s discuss the keys to building a cannabis career that WON’T crash and burn.

Do your homework

All canna brands are not created equally.  If you want to develop a great career in the industry, you need to take the time upfront to do your homework.  Find out who the owners are behind the brands you want to work with, read up on their history and challenges until now, get to know the folks who already work for them, and pay attention to how they feel about working there.

Google the company, owners, and managers for lawsuits, bad publicity, and contract defaults. One of my favorite resources to find out about companies’ commitment to inclusion and accountability is Cannaclusive.

There is no guarantee the place you get hired at won’t get bought out or become a toxic workplace, but having some time at a steady, positive company can start your career off on the right foot and give you a great opportunity to build your network. Alternatively, working for the wrong folks can leave you feeling distrustful, burnt out, and defeated.

If you’re really serious about your rise to stardom, taking the time to craft a you-centric vision of your cannabis career dreams will be crucial. Think about the type of work you’d like to be doing and who you’d like to be doing it with. There’s a saying that in a gold rush, the people who make the most money sell the picks and shovels. In this situation, that means you can consider what your skill set, gifts, and passions are compared to the job titles available in both the cannabis-touching companies and the cannabis-adjacent industries.

A phenomenal career in cannabis can easily move across different brands, sub-markets, and locales, especially as legalization continues in the US.

Stay focused on YOU and YOUR vision

Our society doesn’t really emphasize young people creating a vision for their life, but it’s one of the most important things to do if you want to build a brilliant, sustainable career.

Even though you’ll be working for others to collect that paycheck, you are ALWAYS working for yourself.  Every person you interact with in your cannabis job could be your next employer, vendor, or client. You ARE your own brand and that is ALWAYS valuable, it’s your choice whether you’ll put it to work for you or not. 

If you’re focused on what you want from each position you accept and where you hope it will get you on your career journey, you can always stay a step ahead of the chaos that surrounds the cannabis industry. YOU are one of a kind. A completely unique human.  We need you to execute your vision even more than theirs.  They can help you along the way and you will be helping them (because folks who have internal motivation are the best ones on the team), so don’t forgo your vision for a paycheck.

Also, here’s a little secret, recruiters would much rather pull someone from a “good” job with an attractive offer than give a job to someone who’s unemployed and looking.  It seems backward, but maybe they think it’s more likely you’ll stay if you’ve been staying.

It’s not hard to get on the radar of recruiters on a tool like Linkedin. Make sure you keep your profile current and add those skill keywords to it. Pay special attention to the most specialized and expensive skills you have.

If you have trouble seeing yourself as the star you already are, you’re like most of us. I coach professionals who are ready to break through to the next level by building better relationships with themselves and others.  It’s the only strategy I’ve seen work 100% of the time.

If that sounds like something you want, let’s chat with no obligation. I love hearing about your visions.

Create BOUNDARIES that work for you

When you work in the chaotic cannabis industry, you’ll find out quickly that if you give them an inch, they’ll take a mile.

On the one hand, there are enough folks with no boundaries that enforcing your own CAN cost you a job, on the other hand, you probably don’t want that job.  They are going to chew you up and spit you out when they’ve gotten everything out of you they can.

I’ve had many clients over the years who gave their all every day only to be tossed aside like last week’s lunch without so much as a week’s notice. I found out I was fired from my first dispensary job by not being able to log into my email one morning. 

Instead, think about the boundaries you need in place to create the life you envision for yourself (see point 2 above).

Perhaps you only want to work 9 – 5, or maybe you want to work as many hours as possible every week. You definitely need to be paid your worth, and it could be that you need to have headphones on when working in an open space to keep you focused and calm. I use a tool called brain.fm to help keep my mind where I want it when I’m creating, working, resting, or meditating. 

Sometimes, you may need to ACTUALLY schedule and use PTO even though there’s a hectic marketing schedule for every week of the year.

Hint: it will never slow down and they DON’T NEED you, even though you’re awesome and do so much great work.

Whatever your boundaries are, make sure you set them up for yourself.  No one else will do it for you. I help clients with this process all the time because sometimes it’s hard to figure out how to do it when you’re in the middle of it all and you need a birds-eye view for yourself.

Over the past 11 years, I’ve been in and around the Arizona cannabis industry, I’ve seen a lot of careers crash and burn, some fizzle and die, and a few turn into superstardom.

The careers I’ve personally seen flourish have included: Sales Execs, Marketing Execs, Chefs, Graphic Designers, Branding Pros, Lawyers, Politicians, Lobbyists, Community builders, Cultivators, Packaging Pros, Yogis, Scientists, and more.

The limit is not on what is needed, because EVERYTHING is still needed and as the industry continues to grow, that will only become more true. Rather, the only limits are those you place on yourself, and sometimes, a few limits are FANTASTIC for getting you to the stars!

I’ve included a link below to my framework, The Hart Habits, which can help you work through some of these things for yourself or if you still have more questions than answers, let’s set up a quick call to talk about your vision and how to get there. I can’t wait to chat!

Written by Bridgett Hart

I help people understand what LOVE is, and teach them HOW to apply it to any relationship in their life.

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Are you feeling overworked and overwhelmed? Stay productive and get on track.

Are you feeling overworked and overwhelmed? Stay productive and get on track.

Are you feeling overworked and overwhelmed? Stay productive and get on track.

It’s not hard because you’re bad at it. It’s hard because it’s hard!

As a small business owner, I’m sure you’re constantly feeling overworked and overwhelmed. A small business owner survey from  Constant Contact shows that 56% say they feel like they can never be away from their business. This often leads to feelings of stress and causes some procrastination-which then leads to more overwhelm!

Stay calm, let’s talk about some ways you can get in control. I’m sure you notice already that you’re trying to wear too many hats at once. Let’s set some goals!

 5  ways you can reroute your current stressful cycle and get on track:

  1. Admitting you can’t do it all alone.  Nobody has time to micromanage and nobody has time to take on every little responsibility. Nobody can run a small business by doing everything themselves- so admit you can’t do it alone! Really think of your team and their responsibilities; Make sure their tasks are being handled by THEM. Make sure you have a team you can trust to do their tasks! 
  2. Set priorities and goals, then centralize that list. Do you know where you want your business to be in 12 months? It’s time to figure that out and set some monthly priorities and goals that need to be met in order to achieve that 12-month business goal! Record your new ideas immediately and find time to sift through them. Centralizing your list will help keep you focused!
  3. Pay attention to task time and simplify. Most business owners have a false sense of how long it takes to do a certain task. When you start to work on an important task for the day, record how long it takes for you to complete it! Then adjust your priorities and tasks accordingly. This will give you an idea of how to manage your time effectively.
  4. Don’t over-schedule your time. Once you have a better idea of how to manage your time, you should be able to schedule your days where you aren’t overworking yourself or creating high expectations. Don’t stress or overwork yourself.
  5. Make an appointment with yourself. Setting aside time for yourself is important for any human; let alone a business owner. Make dates with yourself. Get a massage, go bowling, go hiking, or even get a nap in! Making time for yourself will relieve some stress and help reset you for your next to-do list.

You can do this.

We all know how easy it is to become overwhelmed as a small business owner. Between hiring the right people for your team, knowing where to put your budget, creating procedures, and making sure everything is flowing correctly. It’s important to manage these things and get your business to the next level.

If you have a hard time knowing where to start, don’t you worry, there is assistance available! Find out your options for free!

Written by Bridgett Hart

I help people understand what LOVE is, and teach them HOW to apply it to any relationship in their life.

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