5 books that will support your total transformation

5 books that will support your total transformation

5 books that will support your total transformation

If you want DIY coaching, here it is!

As a child, I was the type of reader that used books as an escape from reality.  I spent ALL night under my covers with a flashlight reading every ending to my Choose Your Own Adventure book. I constantly had a pile of 10 or more library books by my bed.

As I grew older, I was a “Faithful Christian” and focused more on building my career than my relationships (the only two choices besides church I knew of at the time) so I focused my reading on Bible-related books and Business How-tos. I was single though, so the church didn’t leave me much time for reading.

I remember in the first version of my Facebook page, the Bible was the only book I could find to add to my “Books I like” section and at the time, I felt proud of that. 

Thankfully, I soon decided to study love and blew open my thirst for & appreciation of the millions of delicious books and art forms available to connect with.

Over the following 15 years, I read everything I could get my hands on again. I had a library card, amazon, a student id, and eventually an Audible account, so I read a lot!

Looking back at the books that made the biggest impact on my life, I narrowed the list down to the top 5 that supported my total transformation at a foundational level.  Of course, these are just a starting place, but I’m sharing them in order of the impact they made on me, not necessarily in the order you should read them. In fact, I added in the date I read each so you can see I started with taking a sip of the knowledge and worked my way up to the full meals. Each has a link where you can buy it from my favorite local bookstore because supporting local is a value I learned in my study of love, but feel free to find your own local resources!

Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsh published in 1995, I listened in 2021

This is a series of 4 books written by the author in an interview style. His story is that he was awoken in the night over several nights and several years and prompted to ask the questions posed in the book.  The answers are what was given to him to write down. The questions are the deepest ones we’ve all asked if we are looking to understand God better, especially if we come from a Christian background. The answers are simple yet profound. Just as I would expect God’s responses to be. I listened to it on Audible instead of reading and if I hadn’t I may not have made it through.  4 books can seem daunting but it was worth every second and passed quickly. I didn’t even realize it was 4 books worth until I was done! Afterward, I felt both irritated I had never read it before and grateful because I wasn’t spiritually ready to receive it before. I would have blown it off as “new-agey” stuff when it really isn’t if you believe God is omniscient. 

All about love by bell hooks published in 1999, I read in 2020

The title is self-explanatory but as the author dives into her understanding of love, it’s poetic in her depiction of what has been lost for love due to capitalism, patriarchy, and systemic racism. It’s a beautiful interweaving of the individual and community experience of love and how dependent they are on one another. Both nuanced and direct, her writing style will have you highlighting whole pages as you realize where you need to do better personally and how you can contribute to the community best as well. I wish this was required reading for every high school student in the country.  I believe we would become better as a nation almost immediately.

The Widest Net by Pamela Slim published in 2022, I read and listened in 2022

Although this book was just released this year, it’s already a business classic in the making and one I’ve been putting into practice in my business for years as I watched her develop the system. You may have heard me talk about Startup Life Support, which I’ve been part of for several years now. The work I’ve done with this group of folks has been so influential in my life that my family and I moved from the west side of town to the east side partly to be near them! As influential as the group has been for my business health and personal well-being, it is a product of The Widest Net method that Pam Slim put into place at her IRL location, Ké Main Street Business Lab so I got to see watch this book developing from the inside.  I can attest personally that her marketing methods work like hard-won community-building economic development magic. If you are building a business or already have one that you want to level up, this book is a MUST-READ. 

The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferris published in 2007, I read it in 2007

I put this book lower on the list, but not because its impact was truly less.  It was probably one of the most pivotal books I’ve read because it allowed me to imagine something different for my money-making activities than I had before. I only put it lower because the principles it shares are simpler and easier to learn and even apply than the books I’ve mentioned above. Instead of being a deep philosophical dive into spirituality or marketing or community, this book is practical and gives real-life ideas about how to develop a business that doesn’t eat up your life. It was perfect for my transition from corporate jobs to building my own business and helping others build theirs. I still apply principles from this book consistently.

Strengths-Based Leadership by Gallup published in 2008, I read in 2010

I read this book while I was still working in corporate and I’m so glad I did. Learning to appreciate the people I worked with for their strengths also allowed me to appreciate my strengths more.  This book is a follow-up to the book Strengths 2.0 by Tom Rath and dives into data collected by the Gallup survey over 35 years. The premise is that each of us has a different combination of 34 core strengths and when we get to operate in our top 5 or so regularly, we have better, more fulfilled lives. As a leader, when we take the time to recognize those strengths and build teams of folks who have complementary, instead of the same, strengths, we can build a more solid foundation and ultimately a more profitable and effective organization. When folks are able to emphasize and develop their strengths instead of being penalized for their weaknesses, they do better work and live better lives. It has a snowball effect.  Also, you get the Strengths Finder quiz free when you buy the book! The quiz and the information you get from that are worth far more than the price of the book.

Have you read any of these books? What did you think? Favorite parts? Least favorite? I’d love to hear your thoughts and talk about them more with you. If you are my client, there’s a HUGE chance I’ve recommended one or more of these books along the way, so if you want DIY coaching, here’s a start! If reading might not be enough and you could use more support in your journey in business and servant leadership, let’s jump on a free, no-obligation phone call to talk about your visions and how to get there. I can’t wait to talk. I love you!

Written by Bridgett Hart

I help people understand what LOVE is, and teach them HOW to apply it to any relationship in their life.

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3 Keys to Crafting a Cannabis Career That Won’t Crash and Burn

3 Keys to Crafting a Cannabis Career That Won’t Crash and Burn

3 Keys to Crafting a Cannabis Career That Won’t Crash and Burn

Before I tell you the Keys to success, I have to tell you the Risks you face!

The cannabis industry is very different from the cannabis culture. 

Too often, those differences result in an environment where starry-eyed professionals become burnt-out cynics who believe there’s no way to work with the plant and keep your soul intact.

Honestly, that’s how I’ve felt about it many times along the way. It seemed like a dream come true to work with the plant I love and around others who love her the same way.  But that was only half of the story.

Watch the rest of the story on Youtube here.

Last week, I wrote about the 10 secrets you need to know before starting a Cannabiz and many of those secrets make working in the biz tough too, even if you’re not an owner or C-suite executive.

Never fear, there is hope and a way to build your career in cannabis so it won’t crash and burn.

First, though, let me share a few of the specific risks that come with taking a job in cannabis.

1. Buyouts – this is the biggest risk because the ownership of both small and large dispensaries and licensed canna businesses can change hands frequently and often with no warning to the general operating team. Just when you and your team think you’ve hit a stride, a new owner could come in and change everything, including firing or laying off a significant portion of the team. New owners are not obliged to honor promises your last manager made about promotions or the future.

2. Federal Prohibition – because cannabis businesses are illegal at the federal level, employees may find themselves without access to federal protections. The Department of Labor still doesn’t count legal marijuana jobs in its Bureau of Labor Statistics report even though there are now over 428,000 people working in legal US cannabis. This can also be a negative factor in banking, mortgages, insurance, housing, and more.

3. Resume Trail – Marijuana is still taboo in a lot of workplaces. When you have a dispensary or other cannabis-related business on your resume, you may have more difficulty securing jobs in non-cannabis roles afterward because of the associated stigma. Taking the company off your resume leaves a gap that you deserve credit for, but may not be able to openly share in all settings or industries. 

4. Hustle Culture – most of the cannabis folks I know are pretty relaxed and like to take life at a balanced and reasonable pace. That is NOT how the cannabis industry works.  I joke that the people running the industry at the top are more likely to be lawyers doing cocaine and working 24/7 behind closed doors than cannabis farmers sitting at the conference table smoking with the team while solutions are discussed. This translates into an often chaotic work environment, incredible turnover and churn rates, and overall high pressure and stress.

Please keep in mind, this list is short and limited. It doesn’t cover half of the possible risks associated with working in the marijuana industry, but it begins to give a realistic preview.

Now that you understand some of those risks, let’s discuss the keys to building a cannabis career that WON’T crash and burn.

Do your homework

All canna brands are not created equally.  If you want to develop a great career in the industry, you need to take the time upfront to do your homework.  Find out who the owners are behind the brands you want to work with, read up on their history and challenges until now, get to know the folks who already work for them, and pay attention to how they feel about working there.

Google the company, owners, and managers for lawsuits, bad publicity, and contract defaults. One of my favorite resources to find out about companies’ commitment to inclusion and accountability is Cannaclusive.

There is no guarantee the place you get hired at won’t get bought out or become a toxic workplace, but having some time at a steady, positive company can start your career off on the right foot and give you a great opportunity to build your network. Alternatively, working for the wrong folks can leave you feeling distrustful, burnt out, and defeated.

If you’re really serious about your rise to stardom, taking the time to craft a you-centric vision of your cannabis career dreams will be crucial. Think about the type of work you’d like to be doing and who you’d like to be doing it with. There’s a saying that in a gold rush, the people who make the most money sell the picks and shovels. In this situation, that means you can consider what your skill set, gifts, and passions are compared to the job titles available in both the cannabis-touching companies and the cannabis-adjacent industries.

A phenomenal career in cannabis can easily move across different brands, sub-markets, and locales, especially as legalization continues in the US.

Stay focused on YOU and YOUR vision

Our society doesn’t really emphasize young people creating a vision for their life, but it’s one of the most important things to do if you want to build a brilliant, sustainable career.

Even though you’ll be working for others to collect that paycheck, you are ALWAYS working for yourself.  Every person you interact with in your cannabis job could be your next employer, vendor, or client. You ARE your own brand and that is ALWAYS valuable, it’s your choice whether you’ll put it to work for you or not. 

If you’re focused on what you want from each position you accept and where you hope it will get you on your career journey, you can always stay a step ahead of the chaos that surrounds the cannabis industry. YOU are one of a kind. A completely unique human.  We need you to execute your vision even more than theirs.  They can help you along the way and you will be helping them (because folks who have internal motivation are the best ones on the team), so don’t forgo your vision for a paycheck.

Also, here’s a little secret, recruiters would much rather pull someone from a “good” job with an attractive offer than give a job to someone who’s unemployed and looking.  It seems backward, but maybe they think it’s more likely you’ll stay if you’ve been staying.

It’s not hard to get on the radar of recruiters on a tool like Linkedin. Make sure you keep your profile current and add those skill keywords to it. Pay special attention to the most specialized and expensive skills you have.

If you have trouble seeing yourself as the star you already are, you’re like most of us. I coach professionals who are ready to break through to the next level by building better relationships with themselves and others.  It’s the only strategy I’ve seen work 100% of the time.

If that sounds like something you want, let’s chat with no obligation. I love hearing about your visions.

Create BOUNDARIES that work for you

When you work in the chaotic cannabis industry, you’ll find out quickly that if you give them an inch, they’ll take a mile.

On the one hand, there are enough folks with no boundaries that enforcing your own CAN cost you a job, on the other hand, you probably don’t want that job.  They are going to chew you up and spit you out when they’ve gotten everything out of you they can.

I’ve had many clients over the years who gave their all every day only to be tossed aside like last week’s lunch without so much as a week’s notice. I found out I was fired from my first dispensary job by not being able to log into my email one morning. 

Instead, think about the boundaries you need in place to create the life you envision for yourself (see point 2 above).

Perhaps you only want to work 9 – 5, or maybe you want to work as many hours as possible every week. You definitely need to be paid your worth, and it could be that you need to have headphones on when working in an open space to keep you focused and calm. I use a tool called brain.fm to help keep my mind where I want it when I’m creating, working, resting, or meditating. 

Sometimes, you may need to ACTUALLY schedule and use PTO even though there’s a hectic marketing schedule for every week of the year.

Hint: it will never slow down and they DON’T NEED you, even though you’re awesome and do so much great work.

Whatever your boundaries are, make sure you set them up for yourself.  No one else will do it for you. I help clients with this process all the time because sometimes it’s hard to figure out how to do it when you’re in the middle of it all and you need a birds-eye view for yourself.

Over the past 11 years, I’ve been in and around the Arizona cannabis industry, I’ve seen a lot of careers crash and burn, some fizzle and die, and a few turn into superstardom.

The careers I’ve personally seen flourish have included: Sales Execs, Marketing Execs, Chefs, Graphic Designers, Branding Pros, Lawyers, Politicians, Lobbyists, Community builders, Cultivators, Packaging Pros, Yogis, Scientists, and more.

The limit is not on what is needed, because EVERYTHING is still needed and as the industry continues to grow, that will only become more true. Rather, the only limits are those you place on yourself, and sometimes, a few limits are FANTASTIC for getting you to the stars!

I’ve included a link below to my framework, The Hart Habits, which can help you work through some of these things for yourself or if you still have more questions than answers, let’s set up a quick call to talk about your vision and how to get there. I can’t wait to chat!

Written by Bridgett Hart

I help people understand what LOVE is, and teach them HOW to apply it to any relationship in their life.

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Top 10 Secrets You Need to Know Before Starting a Cannabiz

Top 10 Secrets You Need to Know Before Starting a Cannabiz

Top 10 Secrets You Need to Know Before Starting a Cannabiz

Even the “Experts” don’t understand some of these important truths!

You’ve been successful in business and created revenue for yourself and your family, why not do that in cannabis with so much growth and opportunity?

Haven’t you heard? Just take what you do and do it in cannabis.

It sounds idyllic until you start encountering the many roadblocks that have been strategically placed along your path. It took me eleven years on the inside to understand them, but here are the top 10 secrets you need to know before starting a cannabiz.

1. Unrealistic Expectations:

Many folks seem to think that having a cannabis business means cannabis consumption all the time. It can, when it’s your business, but if you aren’t intentional with how you apply cannabis in your life, it can also be a hindrance. There are also a lot of folks (like those you may hire in the future) who think it might be okay to be high all the time when “working in cannabis”. We already know it’s not all smoking weed and eating Cheetos on the couch, but a poorly placed linalool dose in the middle of the day can dampen a productive afternoon. If cannabis is important to you, you can incorporate it mindfully into any type of business you have. You don’t have to have a cannabis business.

2. If it’s not working out of Cannabis, it won’t work in:

If you have an insurance, tax, Hr, bookkeeping, skincare, beverage, or consulting company right now and it’s not working well for some reason, switching to Cannabis will NOT solve your problems.  It will more likely multiply them. In addition to it probably being a core issue with your business model, product, or marketing, adding cannabis will make it tougher to navigate, not easier. Keep the cannabis in your personal life until you’re sure you want to go that route and read to the end if you don’t know how it gets tougher.

3. Banking:

As long as cannabis is a schedule 1 drug (which it should not be, but that’s for another post) to the federal government, there are bountiful issues. They start with banking. Cannabis businesses cannot be insured by the FDIC, so they cannot legally have bank accounts. There are a lot of workarounds folks use, but at the core, they are all federally illegal still and come with huge risks.  One of my clients had over $10K taken by a payment processor because they decided it was an illegal business.  They were hosting legal events in a legal state. 

4. Advertising:

Advertising in its many forms, from magazines to tv, radio, and the internet are heavily regulated by the FCC, a Federal body. Therefore, you run into rules that block you from advertising marijuana, cannabis, or any related products.  Yes, there are ways to work around it, that’s part of what I help clients do, but it can be costly and requires a commitment to meeting the culture (that I’ll talk more about in a few paragraphs) where they are with what they need most. 

5. Federal Benefits:

Since the sale of the plant and any ancillary businesses are generally illegal at the federal level, businesses in this space don’t have the same legal protections at the federal level.  For example, dispensaries and many cannabis companies were not eligible for PPP loans. They are also not able to write off normal business expenses the way typical businesses are and they are often given additional local and state taxes to pay on their sales. Also, contracts you make with cannabis-touching businesses (like dispensaries) may not hold up in a court of law if they end up defaulting. Beyond the State level or when talking about federal breaches, the federal court has to excuse itself because the whole transaction is illegal in their eyes. This leads to my next point.

6. BIG Money and political power involved:

When you realize the value of each dispensary license across the nation and world, you understand the raw attraction of big money to control the market and make sure legislation is created that will favor their objectives. Yes, there are a lot of obstacles right now, but the biggest money can bleed until everyone else has bled dry and then scoop up all the remains and emerge as the victor. If you don’t have the finances to compete with the big money in the current legal structure, consider whether you are ready to lose everything for this dream. When I say big money, think the biggest money piles in the world like big pharma, international shipping,  big real estate, and the prison industrial complex. Plan accordingly.

7. The Green Tax:

I’ve alluded to it before, but it has a name.  The “green tax” is the extra fees cannabis-related businesses pay all around to be and stay in business. From the literal IRS tax implications of 280E to the added state, county, and city taxes that can be tacked on, there are also exorbitant licensing fees, incredible requirements for cash reserves, and line items added on for everyone along the way that provides a service that would otherwise be difficult or illegal to access due to federal law. It’s designed to keep you out unless you have immense wealth and resources.

8. Censorship:

Every platform can make its own rules of engagement. Many of them censor content related to marijuana and cannabis simply because they don’t want to deal with the consequences the FCC might impose. If you don’t know the specific rules about what is and is not okay to post on each platform, you can quickly be de-platformed and lose followers, online stores, blog content, and more. Usually, there’s no recovering what’s been lost on other platforms.

9. Culture Clash:

The “cannabis culture” is a subgroup of society that remains hidden from a lot of typical environments. While many are beginning to open up about their cannabis use, it’s still not accepted in public places and can result in arrest in many locations still, especially for Black, Indigenous, Brown, and poor people.  Parents still have to be careful about when and how they use cannabis products for fear of being reported and penalized by outdated laws and societal stigmas. Add this to a highly publicized and seemingly profitable legalization effort and the cannabis community feels the pain every day. As a community, they have been punished for so long and not given the respect or recognition they deserve because they’ve had to stay hidden to stay safe. Then cannabis “bros” who have never suffered any of those consequences flood in and try to gouge the market. In a nutshell, if you’re not ready to meet the cannabis culture where they are, prepare to die out in a “blaze of glory”.

10. Go Hemp:

Now that I’ve properly scared you out of going into the “Cannabis” business, let me tell you what WILL work if you’ve decided it’s still for you. HEMP. Now, I won’t go into the nuts and bolts of the differences between Hemp and Cannabis (because they are the same plant), but I can tell you that by simply changing the word you use and using a plant with less than .3% THC, you will suddenly face far fewer obstacles.  See, the 2018 Farm Bill legalized Hemp and Hemp-derived CBD products federally. That means the products can be shipped across most of the United States, they can have banking, and they can be sold online or in person wherever you live. If you wanted to be an accountant for Hemp companies, you can do that niching more easily than for cannabis companies. One word of caution though: if you plan to get into beverages, topicals, edibles, or anything people will ingest or use, make sure you consider how the FDA is regulating those items.  While they may not currently be FDA regulated, they likely will soon and your company will need to be able to adapt fully and quickly.

Are you stuck? I can help you, not only with operations; but with HR, marketing, web development and more. Let’s chat. 

I’ve included a link below to my framework, The Hart Habits, which can help you work through some of these things for yourself or if you still have more questions than answers, let’s set up a quick call to talk about your vision and how to get there. I can’t wait to chat!

Written by Bridgett Hart

I help people understand what LOVE is, and teach them HOW to apply it to any relationship in their life.

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5 Important Small Business Expenses and 5 Expenses to Avoid

5 Important Small Business Expenses and 5 Expenses to Avoid

5 Important Small Business Expenses and 5 Expenses to Avoid

You’ve got to spend money to make money. Spend it right!

Do you already have an established small business but keep finding yourself stuck financially? Are you already questioning what’s important to spend money on RIGHT NOW? It’s pretty simple and common for small business owners to get themselves in a bad money situation. Let’s take a step back and sort some things out together. Prioritize what’s important for your small business… ready, go!

5 Important expenses-whether you’re a start-up or established.

  1. Money Cruncher (accountant). Having an accountant or CFO can save you exponential amounts of money; even more than you spend on them. They are also great at holding you accountable and breaking down your returns and investments.
  2. Branding and Marketing Research. Branding is extremely important.  It defines your business and expresses who you are through your tone in communication, as well as visually. Don’t waste money on this being done poorly, or you won’t be remembered by customers.
  3. Tax professionals. Do you know how much money you can waste by doing your own business taxes? Tons! Why not take a load of stress off and have someone ready to do all of this for you and give advice? Do it, you won’t regret it.
  4. Equipment. Now when I say equipment, I don’t mean expensive, unnecessary equipment. Get what you need and what works. Upgrade as you grow and get into a better financial place.
  5. Outsourcing. Outsourcing can save you a great deal of money. You won’t have to spend nearly as much on a freelancing COO or PR person as you would if you hired them on full-time. You don’t have to provide them with benefits, even! The ups of outsourcing a COO is that they can see the inner workings of your business from an outside perspective, create goals that work, and identify issues you don’t even see!

5 Expenses to Avoid.

  1. Expensive Software Subscriptions. There are PLENTY of software options out there that can give you exactly what you need at a very affordable price; sometimes free! Do your research before you just jump on a software subscription with all of these extra features that you don’t even need. Don’t waste your money!
  2. Purchasing your “customers”. I’m sorry but do you want REAL customers? Or do you want to pay for them, just so people think you’re “popular”? We aren’t in high school, so let’s get you real customers, eh? Your following is only worth something if it’s natural and real.
  3. Bad Advertising. “Do your research and determine if your customer profile matches that of the publishers’ audience. And don’t commit to long-term anything” (from Chris Sonjeow of LoveBookOnline.com). He said it best. Research is important!
  4. Over-the-top office space. This is a no-brainer. We all want our new business or small business to look successful, but it’s unnecessary and a huge money sucker. Stick with what you can actually afford and as I said above- upgrade as you grow!
  5. Non-measurable marketing. If you can’t measure your results when you create a marketing campaign, then don’t spend your money on it. Plain and simple. If you don’t even know what goal you are trying to reach, don’t go overboard.

Every business will have different needs, as you are all unique. Having someone to hold you accountable and keep you on track is necessary and important for your finances.

Are you stuck? I can help you, not only with operations; but with HR, marketing, web development, and more. Let’s chat. 

Written by Bridgett Hart

I help people understand what LOVE is, and teach them HOW to apply it to any relationship in their life.

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6 Ways you can Grow your Small Business

6 Ways you can Grow your Small Business

6 Ways you can Grow your Small Business

Growth is not inevitable. 

Want to grow your business in 2022? We have discussed how according to the U.S. Small Business Administration, over 50% of small businesses fail in the first year and 95% fail within the first five years. Of course this is due to various reasons BUT we are here to focus on things you can do to succeed!

6 Ways you can Grow your Small Business

  1. Learn SEO. A lot of small business owners struggle with figuring out how they can get to that first page on Google when searched for by potential clients on services they offer. Everyone needs to have means for attracting their customers but there are so many websites out there! You need to be discovered. Learning SEO is a great start. If you aren’t a marketing wizard, start by using some free Local SEO Generators to get some feedback on how to optimize your site. However, the easiest way to get the best results, may be to hire someone.
  2. Create Original Content. People will remember you when you create original content. It’s important to share your expertise and helpful advice or tools to potential clients or customers. Through your content, it also may be a great idea to build your email list by giving the option for visitors to subscribe. Keep that content interesting. It gives you a voice and you may be surprised at what you can achieve with both, SEO and content.
  3. Hire and Keep Great Employees. Now, this is important. Hiring the wrong employees will end up costing you an arm and a leg, and isn’t great for business. It’s not always easy to determine who is right to work for you….but remember when we talked about this? I can always help, but reading our older post is a start.
  4. Network. Whether its speaking at an event or doing a free webinar, getting yourself out there is imperative to your brand and business. Meeting other small business owners in your industry or potential clients is a proactive way to connect. People want to get to know you and this is your chance to market yourself and what you can do for others.
  5. Pay attention to the Competition. The internet is a fantastic place. So start doing some research and see what your competitors are doing; right or wrong! You can learn a lot and start implementing new ideas and getting rid of old ones.
  6. Prioritize your Operations.  A lot of humans have no clue where to start when it comes to creating a good work flow within their business. There’s so much to put into your small business and having a fluid, time saving COO could assist greatly with this.


I think you all get the point! There is a lot and it’s okay to get some help. There are plenty of free tools out there to get you started and cheaper alternatives to help you really succeed. I gave you one tool in the button below. It’s The Hart Habits, the 10 habit framework I created for my clients to help them find more success and alignment. 

Written by Bridgett Hart

I help people understand what LOVE is, and teach them HOW to apply it to any relationship in their life.

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